S.T.O.P. and PrEP Programs for HIV Management and Prevention

The Rutgers Health Spend Time on Prevention (S.T.O.P.) program and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) program address the concerns of patients and families who are managing HIV or at risk for HIV.

The S.T.O.P. program focuses on providing confidential counseling, testing, and follow-up services for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. The program uses a mobile outreach van that reaches populations throughout Newark and Greater Essex County, NJ. Certified HIV counselors, a nurse practitioner, and case managers help administer our services.

The PrEP program provides assessments, referrals, and case management for clients who want to be on pre-exposure prophylaxis, a method for people who do not have HIV but may be at high risk of contracting the virus. By taking a pill every day, PrEP can significantly reduce the risk of HIV infection in people who are at high risk. PrEP can run concurrently with condom use and other prevention methods to provide even greater protection against HIV. People in the PrEP program must commit to taking the drug every day and seeing health care providers every three months.

If you are a person with HIV or are at high risk of contracting HIV, please make an appointment with the Rutgers Health S.T.O.P. program or PrEP program today.